Saturday, 29 August 2009

The campaign gathers pace!...

Thank you to this lovely person who has invigorated the campaign to release my megaphone

Tuesday, 25 August 2009

An introduction to The Megaphone Saga...

So a few weeks ago that pesky friend of mine CVeitch got arrested and had my megaphone confiscated by the police. All charges were dropped instantly and yet my megaphone was not returned!

What to do?

Why, go down to the Begravia Police Station in Victoria and begin hostage negotiations n'est pas?

To see how it got, er 'nicked' by the Police too, watch this little gem:

Wednesday, 5 August 2009

Monday was a wonderful evening, I played at my friend's Ep launch in the luminaire in Kilburn. It was a brilliant line up including Stars of Sunday League (of course), Broadcast 2000, Jeremy Walmsley, Semaphore, and I said Yes.

PhotobucketStars of Sunday League

Photobucket Moi

PhotobucketJeremy Walmsley

Photobucketbroadcast 2000

There are some more pics of the night up here:

and you should buy the EP too when it comes out on Jellyfish Records on 7th September because it is bloody wonderful.
